OK Gun Cranks, let's be honest?

What frightens you more?

The sight of someone with a gun in their hand?

The sight of a determined looking person approaching with a large knife in hand?

Or the sight of a hysterical person with a gun in hand?

Rank 'em, in order of most frightening to least frightening.

Doc Hudson


Let me offer a bit of clarification.

The man with the gun is not at the shooting range, the man with the knife is not a butcher plying his trade, and it makes no difference what caused the hysteria.

Both the armed men are of a threatening or intimidating appearance in a somewhat isolated location with no assistance available.

An hysterical person following safe gun handling procedure is a contradiction in terms.


Apparently lots of you guys are braver than I am.

(Then again years ago with would-be badasses tried to intimidate me, I'd ask them "Didn't your daddy ever tell you that a frightened man would kill you a lot faster than one mad with you? Did you know I frighten real easy?)

Anyway, I've kissed the gravel more than once when a terrified woman turned a gun in my direction.

So a hysterical person with a gun ranks as scariest to me.

Since I'm very fond of knives it might seem odd, but a person with a knife makes me much more nervous that a man with a gun. If a man is approaching me with a knife and I don't already have a fistful of six-gun, it makes me real nervous. Inside ten yards, I know that I'm very likely to get cut, even if I manage to draw and fire a lethal shot, I'm probably going to get cut. And I really don't like getting cut.

So man with a knife ranks #2 with me.

People with guns, if they seem to know what they are doing an not just acting hysterical don't worry me muc


Favorite Answer

!- hysterical person with a gun i hand

2- Determined looking person with a knife in his hand

3- someone with a gun in his hand

This is the most logical lineup. Others may have a different view depending on their personal phobias. There are some people that are scared to death of a knife.

The hysterical person with a gun in his hand would be the most feared. He could shoot in any or all directions due to hysteria.

The determined person with a knife, if you were his target, he may be able to be out fought, or out run.There is a better chance of a more favorable outcome with this one.

Someone with a gun in his hand? He could be trying to intimidate you, rob you, But not necessarily kill you. That would be in the back of my mind as I assessed the situation, and hoped the outcome would be favorable as far as loss of life was concerned.

Bear Crap2011-04-08T22:30:17Z

Actually none of those would bother me near as much as a very angry intoxicated person with a weapon.
I have had people attack me with a knife, had people aim guns at me and threaten to kill me and seen people go hysterical while holding a gun. In fact I had one guy open up with a semi auto 12 ga in the middle of the night because he thought I was a bear approaching. And another idiot almost shot my foot because of a snake near it that wasn’t poisonous. But the one experience that still gives me chills is a drunk also fried on drugs psycho waving a machete and gun around. The guy was hacking everything in sight; wooden fence, mail box, parked cars and he was shooting wildly about him. And I didn’t have a gun! Now that was bad! My buddy and I managed to tackle him when his back was turned.
I still have a scar on one thigh and arm from a knife wielding drunk.

So ya I pick the armed intoxicated nutjob as the most frightful.
You just don’t know what the hell they will do. And unlike some one who’s hysterical that MAYBE you can talk to and calm them, if someones too drunk or high on drugs it may not work at all. Just your voice gave them another target.

I have more restraint than most people because of near death experiences in my life. But I’m also faster with my response if necessary because of that. Sometimes you have to decide in a split second if that’s your opportunity to take them out (restrain or shoot). If you’re wrong you’re dead or wounded, if you wait it may have been your last chance. It’s a hard call that requires a calm head and quick thinking. And even then you may have to take a bullet or knife to stop them from killing others.

Several decades ago I went to a doctor to find out why I had such disturbing nightmares. I was diagnosed with PTSD. I think you know what that is Doc. I got it from people trying to kill me. No not from war, but from criminals when I was a teenager and later as an adult.
This is why I raised my kids in the country. And why I think many large cities are the cesspools of humanity.

Gregg Andrews - Yahoo Crime Squad2011-04-10T01:36:50Z

Hmm... good question. Here goes:

1. Determined attacker with knife. I KNOW for a fact this guy wants to hurt me. Too bad for him, that I'm fast with a wheelgun, and pretty fair with a knife myself.

2. Hysterical person w/gun: Since it could be ANY reason (including fear), this person is LIKELY not trying to kill me. They're confused, they're scared. Chances are that they can be talked down (hysterical and unreasonable are two totally separate terms), and brought back into reality.

3. Man with gun: I honestly have no problem with a guy re-adjusting his holster, and me by chance seeing his pistol. Even if he pulls it out of the holster with one hand, and does whatever with the other; I have no problem.


1 a hysterical person with a gun in hand
when ppl are not calm they often do irrational, crazy things. hysterical ppl are already unpredictable, give them a gun and someone's gonna get shot.

2 determined looking person approaching with a large knife in hand
I'm more afraid of sharp pointy objects than an unknown person with unknown intentions with a gun. a dude with a knife that knows how to use it can leave me in much worse shape than a guy wit ha gun. he can gut me and i watch as my guts spill out, or slice & dice me as if I'm no more than a slab of cow meat and he's the butcher.

3 someone with a gun in their hand
lets face it, guns always look scary no matter who holds it or their intentions. they're threatening-looking things.


the sight of a hysterical person with a gun in hand

The sight of a determined looking person approaching with a large knife in hand
The sight of someone with a gun in their hand

Edit:In my own home,none of the above

Shotguns always beats knife and most guns

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