Is Trump who he claims to be?
Consider these facts.
Shortly after BHO was elected, Trump said the GWB was the worst president in history and Barack Obama could become the best.
After Pelosi won the Speaker Chair, Trump personally called her to congratulate her and said "You are the best."
George Soros contributed $160 million to one of Trump's recent construction projects.
Trump donated $50,000 to Rham Emmanuel's mayoral campaign.
Trump has donated to Charles Schumer
Trump had donated lots of money to dems over the years.
So, I ask you...Is Trump the conservative that he is acting like, or could he be a plant from the DNC. Fairly unknown politically, but VERY famous in business, is it possible that this is 100% an act in order to gain enough support to split the conservative vote, but not get the nomination, then run as an independent creating the Ross Perot effect and handing Obama a re-election?
What do you think?
Larry L....I agree. I am worried that there are a lot of people on the right who will suffer from Trump Psychosis, just like there were on the left who suffered from Obama Psychosis.
Ralph...your analysis is absurd...point by point
1. The fact that Trump is considering a run takes him out of the entertainer realm and into the political realm. .
2. People submit dozens of questions daily because he is potentially running and there are many on the right who will not take an unknown and vote for them because of fame, unlike the left who voted for Obama because he was black and/or because he was not George W. Bush...they knew nothing else about him. BTW...questioning is NOT A BAD is the sign of intelligence. Try questioning instead of blindly following, you might learn something. If liberals would have questioned Obama instead of blindly following him, he would have never made it past the primaries.
3. He claims nothing? He is making political speeches claiming that he could turn the economy around and panders to conservatives. I am simply questioning if he what HE SAYS THAT HE IS. Perhaps you should pay a little attention.
4. How in the hell c