Can your job ask for a facebook password?

Alright, a buddy and I are arguing that if you work in a civil service type job(police officer, working in a hospital, etc) that they can ask for your facebook password. I'm saying no, he's saying yes. Who's right?


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Keep it confidential, this password for your Facebook account has access to your private and personal information, hot property don't offer your passwords to anyone unless you want to get hacked by offering your user name and your your password.


Yes, an employer can require your facebook password.

Everyone should have a facebook account in their real name, with only appropriate and professional activity on it and no friends [a "face" account], and a second account under a nickname, on which you play games and make funny posts, etc [a "fun" account].

Here is what you do.

Cancel your facebook account and create two new ones.

Be sure that your "face" account has activity on it every day, but nothing that you would not want an employer to see.


your Right Jobs Are Not Allowed to Ask For your password Thats A Violation of Privacy We All Need Some Kind of Privacy


No, but they might be keeping an eye on your profile just to make sure your not reveling nothing from the police or other private stuff.

You Betcha!2011-04-28T09:22:54Z

I've never heard of that before. I have heard of companys asking the potential employee if they can see their facebook page though. Think about it...if you say no you cant see my page, the company is gonna wonder what you're trying to hide.

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