So let me get this straight RE: bin laden story...?

This is what we're supposed to believe...
* OBL was our ally in helping fight the Russians in Afghanistan in the late 80s.
* The relationship somehow soured and he orchestrated 9/11 bringing the wrath of our military might to his stomping grounds and many surrounding Muslim countries.
* After his resounding "success" in 9/11, the best he could do for an encore was the Detroit 'underwear fizzler' who did have PETN but forgot(?) the blasting cap.
* We invaded 'enemies' Afghanistan, Iraq and our 'ally' Pakistan.
* We killed him in Pakistan after almost a decade of war and intelligence gathering in the region. At the same time, we're being conditioned for more attacks and more war as a result of possible attacks.
* Though there is a $27 million reward, we put his body on a military ship and bury it at sea?!
* Obama, U.S. Congress, the Pentagon, all of whom are proven liars, warned us about Saddam's "NOOKS!" are now telling us the truth.
* I suppose the logical conclusion from all this is: INVADE IRAN! lol.

I know I might look stupid, but come on. Are we really supposed to believe this stuff?!

Will M..2011-05-02T19:41:17Z

Favorite Answer

Dear doug4--
On October 30th 2000, the latest Pearl Harbor commission, forestalling a slew of declassified documents announced that the U.S. did indeed know where the Japanese fleet was and of it's intent to attack Pearl harbor ,Wake Island, Guam, Malaya and the Philippines.
The Media slant was that Kimmel and Short would no longer be disgraced as they had served their purposes.
If history is any indicator there will be a documentary record { smoking guns} released when my granddaughter now eleven is fifty -five or so.
Too late too late. And will be considered something that happened when people wore old style hats and coats.
The FBI NEVER even wanted Osama for questioning as to 9/11.Preferring the goat herds,Taxi drivers, and small business men peopling Guantanamo bay to provide vital intelligence.
It is all...... theater.
And this would be funny except that our quiescence results in the death of innocents daily.
Fight the future
>>>>>>>>Will M

Andrew K2011-05-02T13:16:45Z

The US and OBL weren't "allies" per se. We were fighting Russia at the time, and Russia was trying to invade Afghanistan, so we armed the Taliban so the US wouldn't have to get their sleeves dirty.

OBL and the al-Qaeda always disliked the US, but in the 80s, they were like, "hey, free weapons." They wouldn't turn that down.

I'm not exactly sure why we never saw a large-scale terrorist attack on US soil again. I guess the frequent bombings of al-Qaeda fortresses and the destruction of high-value targets crippled the organization so much that they couldn't do anything. Plus the super-heightened security at every imaginable venue in America.

Bush stopped the pursuit of OBL in 2005-06, so we weren't really gathering intelligence on him again until early 2009.

If the US had done something drastic to the body, they would have had so much backlash from the Muslim community that it would have ended up costing us much more than $27M in the long run.

I'm not sure how the entirety of the US Congress are collectively liars, and I don't understand why you think Obama is a liar, along with the Pentagon. That theory probably needs a source. At least a source better than a freelance blog.


Yea, this whole thing is over-hyped by our floundering government. Killing bin Laden will only inflame the passions of the Muslim countries and is a feel-good exercise for the USA. We're blowing away children in Libya and calling it "no-fly zone" policies. Were the kiddies flying too high on ice-cream? Afghanistin is futile - we supported and created the enemies we now fight - this war has no end, other than our just leaving. Iraq was based on falsehoods, purposely manipulated by the Bush Administration to wage this illegal war. We are no better than the Nazis when they invaded Poland.
America has lost her luster around the world, for we do not live up to our own professed standards.

Daniel C2011-05-02T13:09:01Z

Sounds about right, except for the Iran part.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Or a Bin Ladin.



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