Do you think Delta force Killed Osama Bin Laden and not seal team 6?
I would like some opinions here.
I would like to know if you guys think that maybe it was Delta force that killed Bin laden but the seals are taking credit for it since delta is so secretive and the goverment doesnt wanna say that it was delta force that killed bin laden. the reason i think this is cause this mission was ideal for Delta force!! and I know seals are very good but i would expect them to do a mission like taking down a boat or maybe in a house next to the sea.
In other words If seals are meant for maritime missions and delta are meant for land mission, why would they pick seals over delta force to do such a high risky mission on land which is perfect for delta.
This is for ''H'' the reason i know them is cause everyone knows Delta Force but what i mean is that The government denies the existence of delta force but dont deny the existence of Seals.
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Unfortunately, as much as I don't want to belive it - DEVGRU probably did undertake the hit even though they rightfully should not have been the ones. Since 9/11, Delta Force has led the way for the GWOT around the world. DEVGRU didn't even hit the ground in Afghanistan until way after Delta.
Delta led the way for Al Qaeda's decimation in Afghanistan and Pakistan until Iraq kicked off, with DEVGRU as a support element. Delta then moved to the new war in Iraq to destroy Saddam and his Baath party and any AQ movements and left DEVGRU in charge of the very very slow OPTEMPO of Afghanistan. Iraq died out and Delta returned their rotations to Iraq just as most SOF forces did. Delta Force have led the way and have given the most blood and tears to get the job done. So the final mission to kill Osama bin Laden was given to DEVGRU? That is a slap in Delta's face.
And do you know why? It's because the current JSOC commander.. Admiral McRaven is a former DEVGRU guy. And after DEVGRU accidentally killed that British aid worker in Afghanistan back in October, he knows his unit needs positive publicity. So he made the decision to put Delta on the sidelines of the most important mission since 9/11.
He is ******* lucky that they succeeded, because if they didn't and bin Laden slipt away - he would be relieved of his command and questioned as to why Delta was not sent in. And if Delta was sent in and bin Laden escaped, McRaven would still have a job afterwards. I love DEVGRU and they are harder men then I will ever be. But this one didn't belong to them and every single shooter on those birds absolutely knew it.
Black Hawk down is not fact!!! Every service aside from the coast guard was involved in that battle. Seals were acting as Snipers and they got no mention!!! There was also a break down in communication that took soldiers off the ground. There could have been "Delta" soldiers" in the mix. I sure as hell know there was a QRF team sitting in wait In case something went bad. The Seals got the glory and they deserve it. If Delta was there it doesn't matter.
I've wondered why Seals got bin instead of Delta Force. I think it has to do w the organization of the Seals, working as one unit for an extended time period. Accounts claim 24 to 50 Seals. Delta does similar work, but not 50 Delta in one place.
Remember in Black Hawk Down the bulk of the soldiers were Rangers w a few Delta to handle a similar mission of securing a house and taking out bad guys in the house The Seal team that took out this bad guy was large and had been together training for several years.
Yes, Delta Force takes care of high profile targets. They're a counterterrorism unit. But, so is DEVGRU. They're pretty much equal with each other. Howard Wasdin, a former Navy SEAL, suggested in his book that Delta Force and DEVGRU are very similar so their is competition between the two SMUs. Is it also true that Delta Force has helped hunt down many terrorist leaders in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Yes, Delta Force has helped hunt down many terrorist leader in Afghanistan. Iraq as well, but I don't know about Pakistan. I wouldn't be surprised. Didn't DEVGRU help? It's likely. I believe they worked together in a Task Force, with other special operations units, in Iraq. Is there a reason DEVGRU was chosen? Of course... As you mentioned, the JSOC commander at the time was a Navy SEAL, so I'm sure that played a part. Additionally, I read somewhere that DEVGRU has been operating heavily along the Afghan-Pakistani border. So, I they're familiar with the area and bin Laden's compound wasn't far away from the border.