Why won't Obama let me see pictures of Bin Laden's dead corpse?

This is BS, okay, now, how do we know it really happened, I know it probably did, but there is no proof given to us, and after everything we've been through, we should be allowed to see it. If some people disagree, well then they don't have to look, but I want to.

Getting Bin Laden was the only thing Obama did that I liked, but now he is just frusterating me again.


"Insensitive to to Muslim World"
uh, not really, only to the Muslim extremest that want us dead, anyone that likes him- Should be thrown into the ocean with him.


Al Quida is going to attack us whether or not we show the pictures, we didn't disgrace the body, and we gave him a proper burial, and to me that is much MORE than enough.


@ Scooter- Oh, I'm not taking anything away from Obama, what he did was great, I just disagree with the decision not to release the photos. It's a whole different topic.


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Apparently it will cause violent attacks. Oh and I suppose they already aren't planning a violent attack. Come on. At school today my friend showed me a picture of him dead that was taken through the helmet.

Found the picture:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://photo-journ.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Osama-bin-Laden-dead-1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://photo-journ.com/leaked-dead-osama-bin-laden-photo-or-not&usg=__QCAlvckFw3-gur9liaiMZbWjDOc=&h=375&w=500&sz=71&hl=en&start=110&zoom=1&tbnid=50LpiSdufGZUwM:&tbnh=142&tbnw=191&ei=7arBTeKDJa2y0QHHy5y3Cg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dosama%2Bbin%2Bladen%2Bdead%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D649%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C4306&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=132&vpy=139&dur=3964&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=144&ty=136&page=9&ndsp=13&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:110&biw=1024&bih=649

I'm think of changing my avatar and name back. Should I?

@Scooter- The pictures of Hussein were released.


Look, this is Obama at his finest hour of slight of hand. The unemployment figures are coming out this week. It's not going to be good and there won't be any sign of any recovery. The bin Laden pictures along with all the different stories about what happened is nothing but a smoke screen to keep every body's mind off of what is actually going on with the unemployment figures, the economy, and the rising gas and food prices. Obama isn't so stupid as to keep the photos hidden for no reason and it damn sure isn't because of fear of retaliation. Al Qaeda is attacking anywhere and everywhere it can and they're not going to be any more pissed than they already are over some pictures of bin Laden dead. You can't look or read anywhere that the bin Laden story isn't the top coverage with the media. All these other things have taken a back seat to this one story that won't affect anyone's lives personally. Obama is playing everyone, including the media.


I Want To See Pictures Of Bin Laden Dead


What reason do you have to think it didn't?

If he WERE still alive, wouldn't he put out a brand new film, to show the US up?

As everyone who is a civilized human being knows, any form of "parading" of a dead enemy's remains is disgusting and uncivilized (and possibly prohibited under international law, but I'm not sure of that). That is would ALSO be inflammatory is a good enough reason for all who love the US.

Why do you want to see MORE Americans and allies murdered by bin Laden's supporters? Just because you want to see gruesome pictures?

The administration is weighing the consequences, last I heard. Given the fact that most wing-nuts have no respect for actual EVIDENCE anyway (a reference to those who STILL say Obama isn't from the US), there's no point trying to satisfy THEM, especially at the risk of alienating all HUMANS all over the world.

The ONLY thing he's done you've liked. I see. You would have preferred we'd have had a 25% unemployment rate for the last two years? Disgusting!


We need to stop with this division & for once lets agree that our President whether we like him or not did the right decision here getting Bin Laden. If Bush & Clinton & had a set they would have finished Bin Laden off in 1998 & 2001- 2002 respectively when they had the chance to do it.

Edit. I could be wrong but where was the complaints about seeing pictures when Hussein was killed under the Bush Administration?

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