Pubic Razor Burn (Ladies please)?

I'm goign on a date tonight with a guy and i'm almost 90% sure it's going to lead to sex. The guy told me he likes the shaved look and so i decided why not? Well i trimed (w/ an electric shavign thingy not really a razor) and then used a 2blade to get realy close. It looked great and it felt smoothe and nice. But i woke up today and i'm covered in red bumps and it hurts. They dont' have white centers, just redness. he's going to be here in a few hours. I was hoping you wonderful women (or men if you know anyhting) have any hoem remidies that work fast. I don't have iem to go and buy something so it's gotta be stuff thats found commenly in households. Ive tried a concoction of oatmeal, honey and lemon juice (never trying lemon juice again) hot cloths, hydrocortizone cream and a triple antibiotic. I don't mind that pain, i just don't want the redness. I can deal with painful remedies, as long as they work. Please help, i really want this to go well, and i don't think that finding out a girl has severe razor burn, turns on a guy. Please help, he'll be here around 9

Chelsey D2011-05-14T15:42:45Z

Favorite Answer

Baby rash cream works well and so does applying peanut butter for 10-15 minutes, wipe clean, apply lemon juice and salt, then immediately wipe and pat dry. It should look a lot better. Hope this helps! Good luck!


That has happened to me too!!! The easiest and fastest way is too rub milk on your skin. It will make the bumps smaller and the redness go away.