Does May 21, 2011 scare you? Why or why not?

All over the world, people are promoting Judgement Day and the Rapture happening on May 21, 2011.

Wow! 2012 didn't even get this much attention on the streets.

When you Google "May 21, 2011", you'll see sites proving it's real, but no sites disproving it.

But does May 21, 2011 scare you? Why or why not? What are your thoughts?


Favorite Answer

No!!! Because I knew nothing was going to happened!!!


I am actually surprised about how many people are even freaked out about this. This is the FIFTH time I've answered a question related to Saturday!
I am not religious, I buy into Darwin, I buy into science not metaphysics, too many people use religion as an excuse to do the most atrocious things known to man, I've studied religions though, this nut who perpetrated this just wants to get followers for his church. You'd think religious types would have been worried about 6/06/06 the whole 666/Satan/Devil/Beezlebub thing in the Bible but NO, they pick May 21, 2011.
Time to play with numbers here:
5+2+1+1+1 = adds up to 10 or 1. Okay you could read that as "the chosen one returns", "the ONE", "one last day" " I person left on earth...God" HAHA! I can see where these religious types are playing with numbers and people are buying into this, but I am NOT one of them.


I would be more surprised if people believe that and start to sell their own real estates and every thing they have. It is ridiculous according to me to believe that . No one in our world could predict the end of our world and i will say good morning in 22 May 2011


Will people believe that its all a hoxe after it comes and goes and the world does not end. Or will they wait for the next dooms day to be for- told by someone else? No one. Not even Jesus himself could tell you the end of the world as we know it. He said only the Father knows. It,s sad that people take enjoyment out of trying to make as many people believe they know what the future holds and the end of the world as we know it. When they do not. Don,t take my word for it. Wait and see for yourselfs. Anyone who believes such things are true. You have been lied to. Think for yourselfs and get on with your lives. If it teaches you nothing else. Then live a better life for yourself and everyone in this world. See you all on May the 22nd. That's a fact.


The same knuckle head convinced a bunch of nuts that the world was ending in 1994 too. Then when it didn't he said he'd made a mathematical error. I think he should start double checking his work before he gets everyone's guchies in a bunch again.

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