How many parents are vaccinating their children?! If you are, do you know what these shots are made of?! Look!? D= very appalling!!! Every Parent should read & be aware of this atrocity!!!


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Even people who have nothing against abortion should be concerned about injecting their children with human DNA.

I know there are many pro-life people who take their beliefs very seriously and would be disgusted and traumatized to know they had any part, even 50 years later, with abortions, and to know that they allowed their children (unknowingly at the time) to be injected with DNA and cell protein from those aborted fetuses.

Katrina E.2011-05-30T16:58:03Z

I know people who are very strongly pro-life and do refuse the rubella and chicken pox vaccines. However, they have an accurate understanding of the situation and don't make overblown exaggerations like this website does. They also very conscious that they are putting other people at risk by refusing these vaccines and they actively campaign to drug companies for a more moral option.

Just so you understand the fetuses were not aborted to create the vaccine. The rubella and chicken pox virus were cultured in human cell-line cultures, and some of these cell lines originated from aborted fetal tissue, obtained from legal abortions in the 1960's that would have happened anyway. If the vaccine's weren't developed it would not have saved these children. Also no new fetal tissue is needed to produce cell lines to make these vaccines, now or in the future. Some people argue that at least some good came from the tragedy of the abortion. Although those cell lines originated in aborted fetal tissue decades ago, there is no aborted fetal tissue itself in the vaccine.

You can get the mumps and the measles vaccines without the rubella part. (It's only the rubella part that is cultured in fetal tissue). But understand that rubella is a very dangerous disease - especially for pregnant women. It causes birth defects and miscarriages. While you can certainly refuse the rubella vaccine because of strong pro-life position, understand that pregnant women and their babies are safer from the disease because enough people around them are vaccinated. Be aware that you do pose a risk to others by choosing not to vaccinate. Some people feel that while the rubella vaccine was made in an immoral manner, that can't be changed now and the benefit to the population as a whole (and women and children in particular) is important enough to take the vaccination.


That site is very against. It's going to try to scare you. I've had all my vaccines other than the HPV vaccine, as I went into anaphalactic (sp) shock after having it.

hunter d2011-05-30T19:14:58Z

OMG! Please! Just another Pro-Lifer trying to use scare tactics! U want us to believe that billions of vaccines were made from just 3 fetuses?? Common sense here people! Most vaccines today are made from synthetic materials!

Do you know the alternative to not getting your kids vaccinated? Prolonged sicknesses...often times leaving damage to the body. Damage that will be there for the rest of their lives! Lungs, heart and brain! I say U are cruel if you choose to NOT vaccinate! It is like playing Russian Roulette w/your child's health! Many non vaccinators like to think that diseases like MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), Tuberculosis and chicken pox have all but been eradicated! When, in fact, they are still out there & just as strong as before!


These shots are made of stuff to save lives! How HORRIBLE!!!! What a load of horsecrap. So, billions of life-saving vaccines were made from 3 aborted fetuses years ago- to me, that's pretty impressive science, and if those fetuses knew what their death was able to do for society, they'd probably be pretty proud.
Stop giving kids vaccines and we're going to end up with a lot more than 3 dead fetuses- thousands of dead CHILDREN!

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