How do you like this poem i just wrote?
hey guys, i just wrote a poem, and i ask u please this is my original writing and do not use it as ur own. thank you. i just wanted to know what u guys thought of my new poem, i knoe its not pro, but i would sure like ur guyses opinion about it. thank yall!
I miss the old days
I miss the old days
There was no war
The only thing that mattered
Was when the day wore
For a cut, for a scratch
Momma wiped away your tears
Not for makeup or boys
Through all these years
Grandmas house was magic
The old old tree in the yard
We were all princes and princesses
We played uno with our cards
We become best friends
With the kid down the street
We would play for hours
And came home with dirt on our feet.
There was no shame in honesty with ourselves
There was no shame around others
Daddy protected us from monsters
All the while we hid under the covers
Everything in the world was innocent
For the few years of childhood we were given
We grow up so fast
Which is why we should make the most outta livin’!
thank u for ur suggestion, i was thinking about that as i wrote the last part.... how about this:
Everything in the world was innocent
All of our energy and youth we gave
We will remember all of our lives
all the knowledge and lessons learned throughout life, we save
i like ur wittiness, but u know what i mean by the old days.