Is there anything I can do to stop being so ticklish?

This is a serious question about a real problem that has a real impact on my life. I asked a similar question yesterday and only got 1 answer, basically mocking me.

Anyhow, I've been extremely ticklish for as long as I can remember. I have been trying to find information about it and all I've been able to learn is that it's called "hypergargalesthesia" but the only reason that helps at all is because I realize now that it's not just me. I think I might have one of the more severe cases of it though.

Literally anywhere on my body can be ticklish, and I've lost friends because they discovered how ticklish I am and thought it was funny so they tickled me randomly. I know some people seem to really like being tickled, even to the point of it being a fetish, but I assure you I don't enjoy it at all. I hate it.

I'm in a long-term relationship and cuddling is difficult because I'm so easy to accidentally tickle. Sometimes it even kinda gets in the way of... other stuff...

It even effects me in conversation. If someone talks into my ear, like they're sitting next to me and they look at me when they talk and I'm facing forward, it tickles my ear. This can be annoying when I'm watching movies or TV with someone or driving when someone is in the passenger seat.

The biggest problem is that other people generally don't understand my problem. If someone is in the habit of looking at someone they are talking to it's hard for them to remember not to do it, and if I ask them not to they generally act like I'm just crazy.

Is there anything I can do? Is there a treatment, a pill, anything?


Favorite Answer

Well,I have to admit....this information is quite interesting.
I would first suggest to you...that from now on? When you find yourself in any situation,such as sitting in your car,and someone might be speaking to you that would make you uncomfortable,or you might feel as though you would get even the slightest bit ticklish from their speaking to you in such close quarters? Then,I strongly advise you to start speaking up....say to others just how uncomfortable that makes you,or whether it's a stranger.....make your situation known! You have to understand for yourself first...that you indeed have a medical condition! Same as with anyone else who suffers from a medical condition,and you must start taking safety precautions to protect yourself from now on.You need not worry or concern yourself with what others might think.This isn't your problem what others might be thinking of you,as you have a medical condition.
Now,as for any current treatment(s) that may be available? This I really have no idea,sorry.
I have never heard of this medical condition until just now,when you brought it to my attention by asking your question.
I would say that while you did your research....if you happened to have found any additional information pertaining to treatment that may be currently available.This would be my advice to you.....try to do additional research,and see if you happen to come across any type of treatment that may be available for your medical condition.
But,like I said...I've never heard of your medical condition until now.
But,as with most medical conditions these days....treatment(s) are very common,and hopefully this applies with your medical condition as well.
I hope everything works out best for you.And,treatment(s) are available for you,and others with your diagnoses/condition.
Take care,


Not sure of the answer, but I can understand how you feel. My wife is sometimes too ticklish and it gets in the way sometimes. I think maybe the best solution is to ignore it, try to have fun with it, communicate with your friends if they are tickling you and explain how you feel. If they are good friends, they will understand and stop.

Same with your long term relationship. You can't stop your reaction, but the other person can be understanding and eventually things will be OK. Give it time and don't stress out about it.


Since I wasn't there and have no idea what her expression looked like, I can't say anything about that. The shaking, though, could be a number of things. She might have had an orgasm. She might have a heart problem. She might have epilepsy. There are other possibilities. You'll have to ask her to know more accurately what's going on for her.


I know how you feel, I used to be ticklish as well but found a mixture of mediation and breathing excerises slowly over time helped me get over the worst of it