I'm invited to a birthday party for twin girls. I'm not sure what the best route to go gift-wise would be. Do i get two inexpensive gifts, or one nicer gift for them to share. I like the idea of getting them separate gifts, but as a parent of a child with way too many toys I'd much prefer my children have a handful of nice toys than a bunch of junk. Also, if I go with 2 separate presents should the be similar or totally different?
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(im not even a parent but i had twin friends) two gifts, similar but not completly. (equal worth, not so different that one is more entertaining) and don't say oh well birthday party 20$ for a kid, so ill split it in 2. get them a gift like you would buy 2 seperate gifts for 2 seperate kids. good luck!
Separate, different gifts. As a twin, the worst gift to get is the exact same present as your twin - it makes it seem as if the person didn't put any thought into the gift. Shared gifts are okay when older, but at a young age both girls will prefer their very own present.
I would say get them two. I know that with my boys they've gotten to the stage where if they don't really want to share and they'd rather have something that is "theirs". They probably already share so much that getting them an inexpensive gift for themselves would probably really be appreciated.
If you know different interests in the girls I'd say get gifts based on that but if you can't then two gifts that are similar wouldn't hurt.
two gifts but make sure the they're the same just different colors. ex, a pink teddy bear and a purple teddy bear. or a blue hula hoop and a green one. its something they can play together or on their own and no one's jealous about who's present is better :)
They are different people with different interests so two gifts tailored to two different people. One might like barbies, one might like cars, ask the mom and she will happily tell you what to get the kids to their individual liking.