can't find dropped pill..i'm a wreck.?

My mom is 81..she accidentally dropped a baby aspirin on the floor this morning..i saw it fall ..watched it hit the floor but couldn't find it....I have 6 cats and i am a nervous wreck that they will find it and eat it...i spent the ENTIRE day sweeping..vacuuming and mopping that section of the house...i can't find the damn pill...i looked through the vacuum dirt to see if i picked it up but it wasn't there...i just don't know what else to do...i lifted the area rugs..moved furniture..cleaned everything...the pill just can't be found..i know it fell...i just am afraid that one of the cats will find it...i'm a nervous wreck but can't find a solution to this.


Favorite Answer

Chances are your cats aren't going to just suddenly eat the aspirin, especially if they are mature cats. Unlike children and dogs, they don't tend to just put things in their mouths. I don't imagine that it will smell very appealing to them either. If they DO put it in their mouth I can guarantee that they will spit it out, aspirin doesn't taste good to anyone. Keep looking for the pill but don't stress yourself out so much, you'll find it when you least expect to. If you're still really nervous about it, keep the cats out of that room until you can find it. Good luck!


Keep looking. Try this trick... USE A FLASHLIGHT and aim the beam nearly parallel to the floor's surface. Anything that it shines on will cast a LONG shadow, even a small pill.


Me… kittyslave23… I know my place.


first, you need to calm down. panicking will only make it seem worse.
okay, you've done all you could. just once a couple hours check on the cats to make sure none are showing any bad symptoms. if they do, don't panic, just take it to a vet right away.


Hmm..shouldn't hurt them..not enough to kill them or anything. But cats dont magically get into anything like dogs but i dont think itll be attractive to them.Maybe someone stepped on it? Ask your vet if it will hurt them but i dont think so. Good Luck :)


if your cat consumes a baby asprin it will be fine as long as it wasnt ibuprofen that is very toxic to animals