Help my boyfriend always...?

has to jerk himself off to ejaculate at the end of sex. It's kind of weird and i don't know if it's me or him.

also, he only wants to *** in my mouth

Is he just not into me (we've just started dating)? or is he just "different"


I didn't ask for your opinion on when the time is right for me to have sex. We're just having fun.


Favorite Answer

He most likely doesn't want to get you pregnant... Its understandable especially since you guys just started to date... Uhm... What also could be happening here is that its one of his fetishes.. Maybe he just likes to .. Ejaculate.. in other areas..

I am sure its the first reason though... And you should be happy he doesn't *** during regular sex, lasts longer, more fun.. Right?

Georgia T2011-06-24T03:57:52Z

This is something u ll see by the time. If you think he is a nice guy you can give some time to see what is happening. But if this makes you feel bad you just have to take care of yourself. The matter is that people has to find someone to bessem. Maybe hes not the one for you.
Maybe hes just different but anyway i suggest u think of yourself. Sex is not a joke!


If you don't accept it then move on. He has some issues that need a sex therapist to identify with and fix.

just me2011-06-24T03:54:58Z

I do not think you should be getting so intimate if you just started because he may be in it just for the sex


there is no accounting for taste,
he is using you to fulfil his fetishes or desires,
if you are happy to have a guy use you in that way that's fine

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