Do you honestly think they care about the taxpayers ?

Democrats, republicans either one.... one is just as bad as the other .... but here's the link ...;_ylt=AgYQRaVpSnUNq0KykLjmNT72_sEF;_ylu=X3oDMTMzMm9kcHE4BGFzc2V0A3VjLzIwMTEwNjI0L29wXzUxODM5NQRjY29kZQN0b3BnbXB0b3AyMDBwb29sBGNwb3MDNQRwb3MDNQRzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2hvd3RoZWRlbW9jcg--


the question here is do you think that these politicians actually do care about you as an individual, or are you and I just fodder for their own greed and lust for power. SO FAR CON mouse, you have pretty much the right idea,


Katerina .. you are making excuses for them. I want your opinion, not excuses for corrupt politicians....


Favorite Answer

some politicians do some don't. Usually the media says democrats do but I would say republicans do.


Remember, we're dealing, folks, with a sad, sad reality here. Government cash handouts now top tax revenues. So the way I see it someone does not mine giving my cash away lol.. They could careless for us (just our vote)


Since the federal government can print the debt, and tax through inflation, no.


ConfuciousMouse say:
Of course not. Did you at one time imagine they did?