Philosophy of Marriage : Please answer each segment with a 'Yes' or 'No' - if possible with reasons?

Q-8-1 What is your feeling about ‘institution of marriage’?

1. The ‘institution of marriage’ isn’t as important as we are made to believe.
2. It is important, indeed very important.
3. Religions across the world could be fully right about the importance of ‘institution of marriage’.
4. Religions across the world couldn’t be fully right about the importance of ‘institution of marriage’.
5. Religions across the world could be fully right about the importance of ‘institution of marriage’, but seem to be wrong about the ‘course of marriage’.
6. Religions across the world could be fully right about both the importance of ‘institution of marriage’ and the ‘course of marriage’.
7. Religions across the world could be fully wrong about both the importance of ‘institution of marriage’ and the ‘course of marriage’.
8. Religions across the world are only partially right about both these aspects of marriage.
9. An individual needs no extraordinary wisdom to understand ‘marriage’.
10. An individual needs extraordinary wisdom to understand ‘marriage’, because the concept of marriage is extra-ordinarily complex.
11. Why should the concept of marriage ever be complex? It is quite simple.

Q-8-2 What are your feelings about ‘goal of marriage’?

1. Everybody knows it. It is ‘sex’.
2. Everybody knows it. It is ‘unidirectional sex’, inasmuch as ‘marriage’ is restricted to sexual relationship with only the spouse.
3. Yes. But a doubt surfaces at this point. Why should ‘multi-directional sex’ be reduced to ‘unidirectional sex’ at all? So such a goal for marriage is somewhat doubtful, honestly speaking.
4. Marriage’s aforesaid goal of ‘unidirectional sex’ is ‘doubtful’ if it is a decisive step against ‘multi-directional sex’.
5. If one is inclined thus to call such a ‘goal of marriage’ a ‘clear goal’, either he/she is lying or his/ her mind hasn’t cultivated enough resolution.
6. The ‘goal of marriage’ is ‘secured sex’ inasmuch as post-marriage life could avail ‘sex’ (with spouse) with less difficulty.
7. ‘Goal of marriage’ is ‘unidirectional cumulative sex’. Single sexual encounter with the opposite kind may be deemed to be only a link in the complete chain.
8. What about ‘multi-directional cumulative sex’? Why should this be sacrificed in favor of ‘unidirectional cumulative sex’? So this ‘goal of marriage’ (‘unidirectional cumulative sex’) is also doubtful.
9. Another individual is like a tome, a huge tome to be read and understood. One can not in one life time go through many such tomes, not even the second one – may be. So marriage has to be unidirectional to make ‘cumulative sex’ to mature.
10. How is a single mature sequence of ‘cumulative sex’ superior to sum of many immature sequences of ‘cumulative sex’? This ‘goal of marriage’ (‘unidirectional cumulative sex’) is also in doubt.

Q-8-3 What is your feeling about the ‘reproductive process’?

1. It is a mere biological process.
2. It isn’t a mere biological process. It is an intellectual process as well.
3. It isn’t an intellectual process as reproduction is primarily a process initiated by the sexual act of the sexual organ.
4. A sexual act is expected to be and can be an intellectual act insofar as sexuality is a medium of exercising and assimilating intellectual influence.
5. It may be deemed that long cherished or long-practiced ideas become genes and become by and by more vital genes that are transmitted from parent to offspring during reproduction.
6. Such assumptions seem to be vindicated when history shows that greater ideas do cause ‘flow tides’ in civilizations that stretch over scores of generations.
7. So ‘reproduction’ may be deemed to be primarily an intellectual process in which ‘intellectual genes’ along with ordinary genes are passed down by parent to offspring.
8. Thus all parental attributes are passed down to the offspring during the process of reproduction.
9. The above is not true. Were it true, then ‘reproduction’ is to be designated as ‘reincarnation’.
10. ‘Progeny’ is indeed ‘reincarnation proper’.
11. The idea of ‘reproduction’ need not be mixed up with the idea of ‘reincarnation’. These are two completely separate things.


Understand the difficulties of carrying out such a survey


Bob : The answer may be deemed to be a contingency and bilateral consistency confirms the answer.


Favorite Answer

11. I answered no to it being complex, therefore the question has a false premise

3. this is a statement not a question
8. see my answer to #3
10.I haven't agreed that it is superior, so I can't tell you how it is

9. I agree, but why ask when you already knew the answer.
10. cause it's feels good


heavily, You the two extra constructive get a sprint of fact. The testing appears like toddler's play. i think of you're in love with the assumption of 'in love". there's no such element as soulmates. The cleansing soap writers joined 2 words and gave it a meaning; now everybody has a soul mate. wonderful!. How old are you 2 besides?i think of you 2 could come down out of the clouds and placed you ft on the floor. Stick a pin into your bubbles and see what you have left. This sounds a sprint too airheaded to be off television.