cat has open sore and bleeding next to anus?

Has anyone ever had a cat with a ruptured anal gland?...I found blood all over my floor and it seems to be an open hole NEXT to the anus.
The cat seems to be not in pain and it doesn't seem to be bothering vet is actually on his way over to look at it but i've never had this happen before.


Favorite Answer

Sounds like he had an absess and it burst, but its best the vet looks at him


Yeah I work at a vet office and ruptured anal glands happen all the time there. Good luck!!

Cookie Monster2011-06-29T23:02:40Z

check him while he is pooping, if he complains and so on.
i have 2 cats with the similar situation due to intestinal issues, one of them ate a piece of ducktape that i found in it's poop. vet told me to put some moistorising thing in his anus and prescribed medication to relieve intestinal inflamation.

anyway, your cat's situation sounds pretty much worse than mine... for me, it sounds like your cat ate something he shouldn't and it may have caused some damage when he defecated