vomiting blood?

Took my cat to the vet today for a recheck on a tail abscess...she was on clavamox but had been vomiting from it..they changed her antibiotic was given approx 1/2 hour before i came home...when i got in the cat vomited all over the floor..all liquid food but totally pink tinged which i know was blood...waiting for the vet to call me said they think reaction to antibiotic but i have never heard of antibiotics causing bleeding when vomiting before...i'm in a panic here.


Brutus...thought of that and the capsule was blue/green so that's not it but it was a great idea..
The vet seems to think it's a reaction to the antibiotic and the fact she has been vomiting for the last few days.
no more antibiotics for her. vet is on call 24/7


Favorite Answer

Before you panic any further, check the new meds, and see if they're pink.......

When my one of my cats was sick, she was changed from Clavamox, and given Amoxicillin. IT WAS PINK. Maybe, what your kitty threw up wasn't blood at all, but the liquid anti-biotic that they gave her. Sometimes, an anti-biotic will come back up.....especially, if the cat has been in a car right after getting the meds.

Hope this helps.......and you can relax........Good luck to your baby..Hope her tail is well soon..


Take him to the vet yourself? If you yourself vomited blood, you wouldnt wait for a call from your doctor to see if it's okay.