cat vomiting blood??

Took my cat to the vet today for a recheck on a tail abscess...she was on clavamox but had been vomiting from it..they changed her antibiotic was given approx 1/2 hour before i came home...when i got in the cat vomited all over the floor..all liquid food but totally pink tinged which i know was blood...waiting for the vet to call me said they think reaction to antibiotic but i have never heard of antibiotics causing bleeding when vomiting before...i'm in a panic here.
this is a repost to see if i can get anymore help


Thanks,,,i did give some "cerenia" which is on the same lines.


Favorite Answer

It sounds like your cat is having a severe reaction to the antibiotic.
I would ask the vet if you can give your cat 1/2 of gravol to settle down the
What I would do to get more help is I would go the top contributors
in the pet section on Yahoo Answers & e mail them to see if they
can help. I have done this before when Im stuck on a computer question.
Wouldn't hurt to try. Good Luck with your cat.


Bring her to the vet. The vet knows best.