What size fridge for college dorm room?

Hey so I'm going off to college in late august and I offered to bring a mini fridge. I'm sharing the room with one other person so we're splitting the big stuff. We have a small fridge in the garage that I thought I could use but my mom says it's too big- Looking at it, I think it'd be great because it could go on the floor and double as something to put stuff on. I measured it and it's 33 inches tall and 18.5 inches wide. Is this too big? I don't know about my roommate, but I'm lofting my bed and would probably put it under there.


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Last year, Canadian Tire, a well-known retailer, advertised a small fridge with a microwave and coffee-maker combination. This would be an amazing piece of decor to add to any dorm room anywhere in North America.


Dorm Room Fridge


Dorm Size Refrigerator


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What size fridge for college dorm room?
Hey so I'm going off to college in late august and I offered to bring a mini fridge. I'm sharing the room with one other person so we're splitting the big stuff. We have a small fridge in the garage that I thought I could use but my mom says it's too big- Looking at it, I think...


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This size fridge is actually really great. If your dorm supplies furniture, it's easy to make it blend it. My 4.5 fridge was the same height as my desk, so I put it right next to it to extend the length of my desktop. I also bunked my bed and stored my desk and fridge underneath to give us more floor space.

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