My boyfriends family doesn't like me?

He just told me this about, after I told him that his step-brother sent me a friend request on Facebook. I've met his mother and step-father and his mothers parents, and his uncle who is his dads brother. His mother loves me even though I've never really talked to her. He's met my mom, aunt uncle and their kids (didn't want him to but they were all helping us move), and on my dads side my step mom her brother his daughter my step-sisters and step-brothers. But I've never met anyone on his fathers side other then his uncle and that was only for a couple of minutes and it was really awkward, because I can be really shy. But when he told me this I was thinking to myself oh that's cool never met them or anything, it's not like they live on the other side of the county they live about 45 minutes away. Anyways he said because I was being rude to his younger half sister which I talked to once on and was kinda weird so that could be why I seemed rude, but I know I wasn't rude. There really isn't a question here more of looking for your opinions on it.

Veronica C2011-07-19T05:37:45Z

Favorite Answer

I think you're confused...