Are you there Richard Wolfe?
If you are shooting the straight dope about actually being a soldier, thank you for serving our country and I apologize for some of my comments.
if you saw some of the asinine questions by video gamer idiots you'd understand why I get a bit testy about "sniper rifle" questions.
If you really want some good insight about rifles for military snipers, you should contact my good friend B.J. Snow at Brother Bill spent the last decade or so of his military career building and maintaining rifles for the Army Marksmanship unit at Fort Benning, GA.
B.J. is also one helluva fine pistolsmith and a real artist at making custom knives. More than a few of his knives have seen service in Iraq and Afghanistan.
BTW, I'd not have taken this method of passing information if you would accept Private Messages or E-mails.
Doc Hudson
Toad, it ain't the first time I've been lied to and probably won't be the last.
The question had that teen-idiot feel to it so I used some pretty rough language.
On closer exa,omatopm pf Richard Wolfe's Profile, Questions and Answers, I've come to the conclusion that not only is Cane Toad Mutiny correct in stating that Richard Wolfe is a liar, he is also some teen-age idiot who apparently thinks he is a werewolf and also lacks the imagination to create characters for his own stories..
That boy needs a good therapist apparently.
I would delete this question but I would not want to deprive CTM of his best answer points.