What do you think of this tattoo design?

I had a baby cousin who died prematurely 6 years ago this december. I want to get a tattoo in remembrance of her.


Its the tattoo with the stars then a butterfly up at the top.

the stars would be from my lower back up to the middle of my spine, then the butterfly would probably be on my side or i might bring it up all the way to my right shoulder blade, but I already have a pretty big tattoo on my left shoulder blade thats about 6x6.

Any suggestions or ideas?


It won't be a tramp stamp, I am also thinkin of maybe taking it from my hip and bringing it up my spine to my shoulder. I'm still not sure.


Favorite Answer

You tattoo artist will be the best person to ask for ideas. I took a basic design and gave it to my artist and he tweaked it so it was unique and fit well.

It looks like a sweet memorial tattoo.


Looks like a tramp stamp


You can appear at a few alchemical symbols; you could like a few of the ones, and they are utilized in Rosicrucianism sometimes. I in my opinion consider the Utchat eye (or eye of Horus) is a particularly tremendous image.


Yes , don't do it . it's gonna ruin your appearence