Whats the most interesting idea you have had lately?
Oh if your wondering Water I haven't had any for a long time :(
Oh if your wondering Water I haven't had any for a long time :(
Favorite Answer
Breast implants that are refillable beverage dispensers.
Well just a moment ago while I was at my friends dancing show,
I saw what they displayed in the background
From the monitor, there were picture and all, pertaining to the song
But it was horrible it wasn't synced to the song or anything, it just look like it
was there to look PRETTY or emphasize all the attention on the dancers
I got so mad, they could have done a better job with syncing the pictures and videos
with the song and the people dancing, but it wasn't touching at all
So I thought perhaps maybe I should ask them if I could do the editing in the videos, and they
wouldn't have to pay me or anything I don't want money, all I wanted was to make it better
But I didn't do it, and I didn't ask
I've also realized I could perhaps become a teacher in a collage or university,
teaching young adults about video editing and all those things..but I always have ideas in my the head,
but it usually doesn't mean I am going to strive for it, just an idea
Hmmmm...we will see though, I will try next time =)
Sorry for my long boring story btw...what about yourself?
Edit: You SHOULD its fun =D
sometimes i sit around and toy with ideas until i fix some little issues with common use items. i figure if my mind runs i may as well see how far it can push something. like i wonder if somehow we could tap into the human body's potential to create energy to power small electronics. you could literally think your cell phone to charged or even no longer need a battery at all. the brain could rewire itself to do this and other than us becoming a little borg with our implanted electronics it would be interesting to see if it could be done.
that is just one of many things i have come up with. as you can probably guess i am rarely bored.
Thought about fapping to that really hot girl on Numb3rs (you guys all know who I'm talking about), but decided not to since my dog was in the living room, and she likes to stare...a lot. Would have been awesome, and interesting might I say, if I had, however.
A baked Alaska cupcake. Imagine, tasty cake, scoop of homemade ice cream, then covered in, not meringue, but marshmallow fluff, then burnt with a blow torch. You know, a real welding sort of blow torch. Yeah. Gonna try that someday.