one of my cats eyes seems smaller then the other?

My 16 yr old cat is hyperthyroid...(don't know if this has anything to do with it) When she looked at me today i noticed one eye is smaller then the other...not the pupil but the eye itself...i am "assuming" it looks smaller because she either is not opening it as wide as the other one or the lid is drooping.
She is an indoor cat only. The eye is not red...running or anything like that....just smaller.
Will call the vet tomorrow but it's just really strange...any ideas?


Favorite Answer

I really don't think it's anything to worry about. Sometimes it looks like my cat's eyes are of uneven size, and it's generally either the way he has them opened (one is less open than the other), one's sort of scrunched because he's been sleeping with one side of his face down, or I'm looking at him from a different angle than usual. If she's acting normal and her eyes are clear, I would say there's nothing wrong. If you want to call your vet for peace of mind, though, by all means do so. :)


That's really strange, um well my cats eye got small and puffy when he got stung by a bee. he had an allergic reaction to the bee sting and we took him to the vet and turned out just fine. im not sure what it could be if its not red or puffy around the eye itself.


hmm that's interesting! i have no idea except maybe a slight birth defect? i'd check with your vet! good luck!