How do you get your boyfriend to open up?

So, my boyfriend and I have hit a rough patch in our relationship.
He's one of those guys who likes to bottle everything up and not let me in and know what's going on. It is really frustrating!

I really want to talk to him about things that are running through my head, and I know he has a lot goin on in his mind, but how do I get him to talk?

Any advice?
He is also known to break up with me, and other people, when things don't seem to be going good.

Please help, I don't want this relationship to end just because we can't talk things out.


He's doing the same thing to me, he also has double standards

He can ignore all my calls and texts, but the minute I ignore one of his texts(because I'm sleeping and I didn't have to get up as early for work as usual) he gets all pissy..

he says he needs "space" and "time to think" but while he needs that, I need my boyfriend to talk to and sort out all the confusion in my head.

Feeling Insecure2011-07-25T10:38:16Z

Favorite Answer

yeah i know what you mean, im going through the same thing and there is nothing we can do, i have sent him texts called him but he just ignores me