Help with my one year old kitty?
I have this one year old kitty named TACO and he is a handful! I am usually only home in the evenings and weekends. During the week in the evenings when I'm trying to cook he always jumps all over the stove and kitchen islan and he KNOWS he gets in trouble when he does it, but does it for attention. I know he does it for attention because when I scold him he cowers with his ears back and he purrs really loud, and if I get too close he headbutts me :| haha. I use a spray bottle, but he seems to like getting misted and doesn't head to my stern voice. Anyway, He won't listen to me, and this has only really been happening recently. Any suggestions on getting this little mischief maker to stay on the floor??
Haha. Thanks for all the suggestions guys! I usually do pick him up by the scruff, but that only allows him closer distance to headbutts. What a little biscuit! This weekend I am going to be picking up my friend's cat who will be staying with me for a couple months. This will be a good test and hopefully other kitty will put him in his place aka the floor.