hyperthyroid cat not responding to medication?

Please don't tell me to ask my vet..i know his answers..i want yours.
My cat is hyperthyroid..he was on the equivalent of 2.5 tapapzole with a t4 of 6.0..we doubled the meds...2.5 twice a day then i retested in 4 weeks..with the doubling of the medication the cats t4 level more then doubled to 12.6. The cat is on transdermal ear gel.
PLEASE only people who have knowledge about this answer.
The vet changed the transdermal to the pill at 2.5 2x a day...i am really worried about the t4 being so high when i had doubled the medicine...i keep thinking it didn't respond because maybe it's thyroid cancer?
any help please?

J C2011-08-06T18:09:31Z

Favorite Answer

There are cats who do not respond to methimazole, and yours might be one of them. The next step though would be an x-ray and then ultrasound of the throat, to see if there are any suspicions about the thyroid. There are also non-cancerous tumors that wrap around the thyroid - had a foster cat with one of those. Removing the tumor allowed her thyroid to function normally. It could be many things, so additional testing will be the next step.


Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid function, is a silent epidemic, according to many functional medicine doctors. How to cure hypothyroidism naturally https://tr.im/krHAw

People can suffer for years with symptoms that our conventional medical system frequently doesn’t know how to treat because complaints seem scattered or vague and often there is no pill for the ill(s).

What’s worse, in most cases, hypothyroidism isn’t rooted in a thyroid problem in the first place. It’s rooted in an immune system gone awry, but most doctors don’t test for the antibodies that show the presence of autoimmunity.


Oh costly... kitty isn't eating and he seems dehydrated. appears like he a minimum of desires Sub Q fluids (=subcutaneous) as quickly as conceivable. you're able to do it your self at homestead. yet you are able to desire to pass to the vet for the fluid bags & needles. he will instruct you tactics and inform you tactics a lot to furnish and how usually. simple for many situations is 100ml another day. You "can" stress feed him - the vet components you syringes of extreme nutrient nutrition - yet this could in easy terms be an exceptionally momentary degree. Ask the vet for an urge for nutrition stimulant. many times the fluids will make him sense much extra advantageous and he will initiate eating. i be attentive to 3 cats that have been on fluids for countless years and characteristic a physically powerful high quality of existence. So stay valuable.



Chelsea FC2011-08-06T17:35:47Z

If you want a second opinion then go see a different vet. If you were ill and worried about your treatment you would go to another dr for a second opinion, it's really no different for an vet.