riots in tottenham sad sight?

i live in the area and to see what is happening at the moment with only sky news giving it seriousness it deserves is not good.
the looting burning all shadows of THE Broad water estate, of 1985,I really think our press is being messed with we the public got stand up not be pathetic hold government to task we are not.Thus places like tottenham will happen time and again.The people were doing peaceful march about Duggen and ends like this.Why the police being so pathetic it patronising to some of the immigrant community they done wrong last night and police should nip it in bud it very worring when police are scared to upset a few bad ones


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its about time are police were allowed to shoot any of the f=-=-= idiots who think they can riot on our streets this is uk not some other country, and if the young man that died hadnet been shotting at the police he would be hear now, if you carry a gun or knife you shopuld get 25 years with no remmision , this might then stop all these idiots who think its good

Ruth S2011-08-07T09:26:16Z

Sounds to me - he who carries a gun must expect the worst. WE have police to KEEP the peace, so when things get out of hand, the police always seem to be the bad guys!! When foreign Nations decide to live in our countries, they must follow OUR Laws and rules, but it seems to me, they want to live THEIR way regardless if it upsets the Native population. Try doing it in THEIR countries and the Authorities show no mercy!!! London and any big city will face these riots. Pity the rioters have nothing better to do. If one of them gets hurt or killed, they seem to forget they are the ones who broke the Law. If they can't follow our rules, then go back from whence they came from. England used to be a peaceful place to live.


it was bad seeing opportunists using the riot to loot and plunder. in twenty years time when these so called peoples babies grow will see a population explosion and 1985 and 2011 will seem like nothing to what will really happen. thank god i am a atheist.

Randy F2011-08-07T12:58:59Z

All over the world blacks are being shown looting and stealing. That seems to be the problem now. There was no problem until they created it.


I hadn't heard a thing about this....pretty terrible stuff going on in jolly ole England.

You folks keep your heads down.