There might be something to this...?,21088/?utm_source=recentnews


Favorite Answer

I don't know. Personally I would like to see more research into this. It sounds like one of those exaggerated stories, blown out of proportion by the press.
Like when scientist discovered than dihydrogen monoxide was responsible for millions of deaths every year, world wide. It can be fatal when inhaled, so beware!!


By that, do you mean the Sun might be causing global warming? If that were the case, it would also be happening to all the other planets. That's been checked out. Some are warming, some are cooling, some aren't doing much of anything. So no, the Sun isn't causing it.


LMAO, sorry, but I love the Onion. It is purely satire.


You mean our sun?

Tom S2011-08-10T18:49:05Z

It is a spoof.