Help..older cat with anesthesia?

My 16 yr old cat broke a tooth down to her gum line and was in pain..she had the tooth pulled and a huge cyst removed off of her tail yesterday morning..last night she didn't or drink..i took her back to the vet this fever..incision looked fine..they said it was from pain..the tooth and the tail and it would take a few days to recover...this cat isn't moving and i'm scared. They did fluids also but she's so out of it.....any advice?


She isn't even moving let alone going near the tail ...they gave her metacam orally last night and a shot of tobugesic this morning....Her eyes aren't even open...she was an active cat even at 16 so i know she's in pain...shes so out of it.


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Cats especially can take up to 3 days to recover fully from anesthesia and pain. Hopefully your vet put your cat on pain medication? Just keep the cat from scratching and licking at the incision and she will be fine.


Right now she just feels lousy, and moving hurts so she doesn't want to move. She might not even want to be stroked, you can play that by ear. About all you can do is sit near her so she feels comforted by your presence.

Is she still eating and drinking? Make sure her water dish is handy so she doesn't have to move far to get to it. Same with her litter box. If she eats only a little, maybe give her a special treat (perhaps cook her up some chicken or whatever she likes best). But as long as she's drinking, that's the most important thing.

And kudos to you for taking her to the vet this morning to have her checked out. I wish more people here on Yahoo would follow your example!

Hopefully in a day or two she'll be more like her normal self.

Tobugesic is also a sedative! No wonder she's out of it! :-)