Do you think that a Trump-Palin ticket would destroy the liberal media and beat Obama by 10%?

Pamela J2011-08-20T15:35:08Z

Favorite Answer

No, and I'd be interested in hearing how you think that could possibly work.


Sure - Trump can be the lion master of the three ring circus.

If Republicans were capable of showing a united front behind Ron Paul they might have a chance. Just accept it you are in the dark tunnel on the way to judgement day.

Bolide ⌡shinning bacon of hope...⌠2011-08-20T22:33:55Z

Watcha smokin'?

bmovies60 is totally correct: When Trump is not pretending to be a right wing nut job Presidential candidate to promote his TV show he has shown a consistent liberal political bent.


Trump has donated more money to Democrats than Republicans. Why in heck would I want to vote for him?


Hmmn...two reality stars in the White House.When would any work get done?

Answer is NO!

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