Would creating jobs so people have to work ruin Obama's chances of winning in 2012?

I guess my real question is ...Does Obama depend on those suffering , to promise hope to, to obtain votes?


Favorite Answer

Obama made 600 regulations last month and Obama-care is not helping.
Durbin and Pelosi said it would create jobs.

Obama has no ideas to create one job.

Mr. Wolf2011-08-20T15:55:49Z

Right-wing sheeple attack Obama on unemployment when his record is better than the freakin right-wing standard bearer and Bush Jr.

These are called facts backed up with a link to support them:
Ronald Reagan became President in Jan. 1981 in Feb. 1981 unemployment was 7.4
July1983 it was 9.4% (it was above 10% for 10 straight months. Sept. 1982 to June 1983)

During Bush's last 30 months Aug 2007 it was 4.7%. in Jan 2009 it was 8.5%
For Obama's first 30 months Feb 2009 it was 8.9% in July 2011 it was 9.1%

The increased under Ronald Reagan and George Bush is over twice as much than under Obama.


If the unemployment rate dropped to near 7% by the summer of next year, Obama would will in a land landslide just like Reagan did in 1984. He is in trouble because the slow rate of job creation is seen as his fault and a failure of his policies by many voters even though they blame Bush for causing the recession, so any improvement it the economy is a +++ for him.


Why would an improving economy hurt Obama's chances?? You must be smoking some of my meth

A terrible economy would only help Republicans, maybe that is why they have blocked all Obama's job bills.

But Inside I'm Screaming2011-08-20T15:55:32Z

As a liberal who has been in the workforce full-time for 25 years despite a kidney transplant and 3 bouts of cancer, I say to you sir....eat me.

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