How can I enter dates in an Excel spreadsheet so that they appear in the form 00-00-0000?

I am using Excel 2008 for Macintosh. The program converts them to the form 00/00/00. If the dates are old enough, the program will leave them in the 00/00/0000 form. That would be close enough. If, however, there is a mixture of more recent dates and 19th century dates, then some are in the 00/00/0000 form while others are in the 00/00/00 form. 12/31/1920 and 12/31/2020 appear as the same date.


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Select the cells with the dates right click and click on Format Cells. Choose Date, Custom and enter mm-dd-yyyy click OK. That is how it is done with Excel on the PC and it probably is quite similar to that on the Mac.