Light, Persistent Forehead Acne?

About a week and a half ago I started getting acne on my forehead. I usually get a couple zits on my chin when I'm stressed or eat something really unhealthy, but I've never had a problem with break outs on my forehead! I figured it was just stress, seeing as I just moved into college, but they aren't going away. I've been eating pretty healthy stuff, too, and staying away from the fats....Mostly fruits, actually. I don't cake on the makeup, and I scrub my face before I go to bed and shower in the morning. They aren't full out whiteheads, and they aren't painful, they're just a bunch of little red spots and bumps that may or may not surface.

Any tips? It's really, really starting to annoy me!


Persistent Forehead Acne


This could be because of sensitivity to the weather. The sun comes and goes so does the rain. They have both bad effects to the skin believe it or not.
Also stress could be one of the key roles that contribute to your pimples.
And the wind bowing on your face could dry out your face and your face really needs the extra moisture and builds up oil and that oil makes pimples.

If it isn't persistent and just stays there it means you are unhygienic, make sure you wash your hands before you go to the bathroom etc.


drink alot of water it helps your skin (but dont over do it) and quit with the junk food and soda it only makes it worse. especially dairy products (stay away from those) and also fish try using soap like...dove wash your face 2 times a day once in the morning and once before you go to sleep.