Will President Obama put country before his reelection or will he continue promote policies that hurt America?

...more heavy regulations on businesses hurting job creation and more spending causing greater national debt?


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No, but he has agreed to shelve EPA regulations in order to get re-elected. I suspect that will be only a temporary measure until he gets re-elected.

Chewy Ivan 22011-09-06T10:41:30Z

President Obama is putting country before his re-election. The private sector is about as deregulated as it's ever been. Claims of heavy regulation hurting business is just untrue conservative spin. Also, more spending is a proven, successful strategy for stimulating economic growth. It's what Reagan and Bush did to help the economy grow.

Republicans are the ones hurting America for their political gain. Demanding deficit reduction without new tax revenues while our economy is still weak can only smother economic growth and postpone recovery, which is what Republicans are hoping to do until after Election Day 2012. Obama is trying to put country first, but Republicans are trying to keep Obama from getting any credit for helping the country.

Jesus Hates You2011-09-06T10:42:27Z

Regulations do not hurt America. They hurt corporate crooks.

Spending does not hurt America. It's necessary to keep the economic wheels turning. Hoover cut spending after the Crash, and it helped bring on the Great Depression. History will repeat itself if a Republican takes over. I guarantee it. I am already stockpiling canned goods.


How can you worry about him "promoting policies that hurt America" when you haven't let him accomplish anything he has promoted? Half the stuff he is promoting was originally a Republican plan.

Like the DREAM Act, a deficit reducing committee, individual mandates for health insurance, etc. Should I post the origins of all those policies for you?


You mean like when he STOPPED EPA regulations?

Are you really that ******* stupid that you don't think we are smart enough to read a newspaper?

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