Adjusting eyeglass prescription for 8 feet (2.5 meters)?
Is there a way to calculate an eyeglass prescription for a specific distance? In this particular case I watch a TV set that's 8 feet away while sitting in a rocker. The rocking shifts the line of sight in and out of the progressive zone of my regular glasses (SPH -6 NVADD + 2.5). Rather annoying.
Is there a way to estimate a single vision prescription for 8 feet? I asked my ophthalmologist, he just said that the far vision was "good enough".
But what is the correction? I suppose if it's only + 0.25 diopter that's "good enough" for me, If I get a pair of single vision glasses specifically for TV watching, I'd like for them to be dead on.
Perhaps I should rephrase the question.
If you took a bunch of old nearsighted people and tested them at both 8 feet and 20 feet, what average difference would you expect in the prescriptions and what kind of scatter band would you expect in the results.
Hopefully in the history of optometry, someone has actually produced a chart showing adjustments for correction vs distance. What if I had said 6 feet, or 3 feet?
Presumably there would be some variation related to the size of eyeballs & maybe even the index of refraction inside the eye.