Can a pregnancy test accidentally detect ovulation?

I just got a positive pregnancy test for no good reason. I took it because I was about to start a new medication and as a habit I always take one, no matter what, just to be safe. This is day 16 (of 38), i ovulate today, which my CM says should be right. So WHY WHY WHY did I get a positive? Maybe the test if faulty?


its very unlikely the test is faulty, false positives are VERY rare. a pregnancy test detects the hcg hormone, which would only be picked up during pregnancy, not ovulation. you're more than likely pregnant. the discharge you get with pregnancy, is often quite similar to what you get while you ovulate.

Jiffy LPN2011-09-06T20:13:06Z

If the last time you bled was not like your normal period you probably are pregnant and that bleeding wasn't a period. There are some medical conditions that can cause a false positive. You should see a doctor about this before taking the medication.


I had a false positive on a digital test. Ill never use one again.


no but a OPK can detect pregnancy and ovulation


just repeat the test