War on poverty, war on drugs, war on terror... When will it be time for a war on debt?

At least in a war on debt we will know when we win... When there is no more debt.


@ Zombie killer: That is why 98% of the people will never raise themselves up from their poverty mentality.


@ Danny: That is a brilliant comment.

Paul Grass™2011-09-07T11:08:47Z

Favorite Answer

When we retake the Senate and the Presidency


In Keynesian economics we need debt cause it causes the economy to grow. See the more you owe the larger the GDP is. So its like you can put everything on credit forget about it. When things get out of hand we print more money. China and other countries buy our cheap money cause they want to keep their currency low. So it all balances out. Now if everyone dumps our debt well.

We become like Zimbabwe. Isn't that great.


Nothing is more important now than War on unemployment. Everythng else takes care of itself. With lots of jobs and low unemployment, the debt will take care of itself. Look at it this way, if you have a job you can cashflow and continue servicing and paying your debt right?


The so-stated as conflict on poverty has long considering the fact that been forgotten. The conflict on drugs and on terror are nonetheless going stable, because of the fact it incredibly is stable business organization. In a business organization experience (inner maximum prisons, DEA investment, protection contractors) it incredibly is been a overwhelming fulfillment.


you can't have a war on debt when you have a pres who thinks money is the answer to every problem

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