So if we tax the rich where do we start ?

I think we need to start in the house, the senate, the white house and the federal judges and then work our way down to the corrupt unions. They are the culprits who are lining their own pockets with trillions of our tax dollars. So shouldn't they be taxed first and hardest ? So if we tax the rich, shouldn't we begin with the worst offenders first ?


Favorite Answer

taxing the rich will do NOTHING to help the current situation.

it's a profoundly stupid idea.


You could tax all of the above and it would amount to 10 % of what banksters and big business steal from us every year . It's such a scam the rich in China want to move here .


Hollywood idiots. Looks like we already started on Wesley Snipes.


Most of the people in Congress are millionaires, or at least wealthy.
If we go back to the same rate as we had under Clinton that will be fine.
And all wealthy people should pay, it doesn't have to be deliniated by type of job, just by income.


Or we could all just quit working and live off the government.

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