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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

How will tax breaks for the rich start creating jobs?

In the media these days you even have Reagan Republicans and people who worked in the Reagan adminstration that says tax cuts for the won't work in todays economy.

Do you believe that tax cuts for the rich really work? Because tax rates for the rich are historically low, and have been in place for the past 11 years, shouldn't this mean that businesses should be begging people to apply for jobs?

17 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tax cuts will never create jobs, and no person who has ever taken any sort of macroeconomics course in high school or college could ever believe it.

    The market creates jobs. Supply vs. Demand. Businesses will never hire more than to meet demand, and if demand is not being met, they will increase the supply to meet demand. Putting money in executives' pockets won't suddenly magically cause them to hire more than demand requires. That is just silly.

    The only way to create jobs by using taxes is to give tax cuts to lower- and middle-class families. That's how FDR got us out of the Great Depression. It wasn't by giving businessowners massive tax breaks, it was by easing the burden on the working class. People could finally afford to buy things, and suddenly, demand rose dramatically. Businesses had to hire to meet demand, and BAM, jobs were available.

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out tax breaks for the wealthy only cause more hardship on the workers. Profit margins hit record highs in 2010 compared to all other years in American history, yet still wages for laborers fell. It's greed causing all of this, not a over-taxation.

  • Bob O
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Free market Republicans have been telling us this for over thirty years. I wish that they could tell us when it will happen. The truth is that ever since the Reagan tax cuts the wealthy instead of building factories and creating jobs, chose the faster path to wealth by either importing cheaply made foreign goods for high markup resale here, or investing in the markets, most of that investing in overseas companies.

  • 10 years ago

    Well yes but many middle class people have small business with no tax cuts. But taxes should be the same rate for the poor as rich and middle class as poor and so on.

    Ps Im only 15 but still

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    They have been lower, but certainly not low. We have the second highest corporate tax in the world. And that is a tax on thew consumer. Every product of a cprporation has that tax built in it. So YOU pay all corp[orate taxes. And when those taxes become too high where theb corporation cannot pasas it on, they leave, and I do not blame them.You are an idiot for blaming big business. It is big government that is the real problem.

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  • 10 years ago

    Tax cuts alone cannot spur job creation anymore because taxes are not the only significant impediments to business growth.

  • Joe
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I only what Has been done it in last year & a half ?? Is that why Flint Mi has 34 % unemployment. W@ho has been in control of the House & senate from 2006 tell last year? Now tell me how good they have do. I have lost 30 % of my income because of the democrats & there never stop spending. So you tell me how good they are to the working man

  • 10 years ago

    Just ask yourself this question. What do rich people do with their money? The answer of course is that they invest it. Next question. What does investing do? It creates jobs. Last question. What happens to the economy when more people are working. There is more money spent in the economy which creates still more jobs. Rather simple actually.

  • 10 years ago

    You raise a great point. In fact this is a silly talking point used to legitimize increasing welfare for the upper wealthy percentage.

    See bellow how they use this point over and over but always fail:

  • Businesses were begging for people to apply up until the Democrats to over congress.

    Before you thumbs down this. It is simply the truth. I was paying over $100,000 in recruiter fees to find employees. Don't try to change history

  • If your boss or business owner becomes overtaxed, believe me, he/she will have no choice but to cut salaries and jobs. Furthermore, he/she may have to raise prices and that affects all of us who pay for goods and services.

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