Which is more gross, your breast milk or dog urine on your shirt?

Would you rather have your own breast milk or dog urine spilled on your shirt?


Favorite Answer

Dog urine. Some people think breast milk taste good and babies usually breast feed. You don't see anyone thinking dog urine TASTE good? Some people think breast milk is delicious. But dog urine not so sure.


...said the little tween boy to all the adults in the Health/Other category...

Mr. Fish..
may I call you Andy?
Andy; it's way past your bedtime. If you don't want all of us to to run a quick search and locate your IP address, the physical address and registered owner, the phone number of your Mummy..
explain that her little precocious Andykins is bothering the adults again..
and have her seize your mobile and laptop until you're old enough to not mis-use them..then I suggest you quietly delete your immature and inappropriate question, and go back to POLLS & SURVEYs
= TWEEN category, where you're with others of like mind.
Go brush your teeth, log off of the grown-up site, say your prayers, and go to sleep. Dream about what you're going to be for Halloween and all the candy you're going to get when you go trick or treating.. or maybe a new skateboard for your birthday! Say goodnight, Andy.


Dog urine is worse, which would you rather have, your breast milk or...?