Poll: Pavel Bure or Alexander Ovechkin?

This is not a comparison of points or anything else, this is a question about who had the better hands or skill set.

Personally I will go with Pavel Bure, he was so fast it was crazy and he had a better shot than most players I have ever seen.


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Who do you think?

Smashing Watermelons2011-10-05T01:45:07Z

I'd go with Bure, to me seems like Ovechkin is a main goal scorer because there's no better on the team so they're just always passing him the puck and he'll take a shot. But his shot percentage is quite low for a high scorer. Which is why I'm not all that impressed with him, although he's got good strength and speed can take the body, I think Bure's soft hands and top him. I mean Bure arguably has the softest hands in history(I wouldn't say so, but many do and I'd say he's definitely up there though)

Devils for Life2011-10-05T01:34:00Z

Pavel Bure


Im not a huge fan of Ovi, if I had to pick out of the two, I would pick Bure. Pavel Datsyuk I would put as having a higher overall skill level then both.

Sgt. Fletcher2011-10-05T00:29:28Z

Pavel Bure for more skill.
Ovi for more points.

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