Want the latest definition of hypocrisy?

Margie Phelps, a leader of the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, today announced that they would be picketing Steve Jobs' funeral. How did she make the announcement? VIA HER IPHONE!!!!


casual male: I said "hypocrisy" because that's what it IS. In this case, they are using the very technology they profess to condemn; that's NOT irony, that's hypocrisy.


casual male again: "smelly idiot"??? I am cut to the quick by your rapier wit.

THAT, my boy, is SARCASM.


Favorite Answer

IRONY is sarcasm, mockery, satire so irony doesn’t fit this scenario. Hypocrisy does. It goes even beyond that, though. Phelps is attempting to apply a double standard using the very thing she is condemning to promote her personal agenda and that of her church. Phelps wrote that "Westboro will picket his funeral. He had a huge platform; gave God no glory & taught sin." In a subsequent tweet, Phelps wrote of Jobs: "No peace for man who served self, not God."

Since when is it Phelps’ job to punish the dead? And here I thought that was exclusively in God’s realm of power. Worse yet, she is also going to punish his living relatives with her self-righteousness by disrupting their grieving. By seeking to elevate herself with this kind of mean spirited publicity and nasty rhetoric, she has fallen into her own pit of self-glorification.


These people spend a quarter of a million dollars a year protesting everything. Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe the Westboro Baptist Church. Doesn't God say 'Love they neighbour?'


That is not hypocrisy, that is irony.

Angela: You said its "hypocrisy" because in this case you're a smelly idiot that doesn't understand the concepts of 'irony' or 'hypocrisy', nor do you know when to apply them correctly.

Ed Smurf2011-10-06T20:19:17Z

I think the best thing they could do is not cover them being there at all.


http://ea1ed725.linkbucks.com anyone who is a follower and believes in what she says and what this website spreads and shares...will suffer in hell if god is real. i hope they all have a painful miserable, slow death.

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