question about High Tension movie?(spoiler alert)?

If the chick with the short hair was also the killer, how did she
a) lock herself out of the farmhouse with the key being on the inside
b) drive the car and the truck at the same time, durring the car/truck chase?
It seems like they just threw in that split-personality thing in at the end cuz they were running out of time while writing it or something.
Or is there something I missed?


Favorite Answer

Since she had a split personality it was all in her head... I don't think she realized it until the end that she was both. If you pay attention in the very beginning it kinda gives you a clue about her dream where she said something like was after her and then she noticed it was herself. Well at least that's what I think, not to mention she was pretty damn insane. Good movie though I liked it.


High Tension Spoiler


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Millions of fans would lost interest in cricket.

Schecter Hellraiser2011-10-10T09:29:20Z

I don't know man the whole movie is a clusterfuck.