What will these protesters accomplish----anything?




I mean....those are not below zero sleeping bags. AND, "What will they accomplish?!

THE Hot Black Chic2011-10-17T19:34:11Z

Favorite Answer

Um, you're asking this question...

Noah H2011-10-18T04:15:33Z

Way back when Jesus only had twelve followers. Hitler only had a few dozen. Karl Marx only managed to fined one publisher who would promote his book. Genghis Khan had only himself and two brothers when he started out. They all laughed at Christopher Columbus when he said the world was round/They all laughed when Edison recorded sound! Two dozen men at Lexington Green on April 9, 1775 under Captain John Paarker began the American Revolution. Someone ate the first oyster. Somewhere in Arabia someone invented the 'zero' and algebra soon followed. So what will be the end result of this seemingly world wide movement? 'Ya got me, bro....all I know is that once these things start, for better or worse, things change. It helps to be on the right side of that change...if you're not it could well run over you!


Do you really think they care what they will accomplish. As long as Obama and the unions continue to shell out the money they will continue spouting off or tear up stuff that the taxpayers will have to pay for.


And what did you expect? Revolutionary reconstruction of society? Say "thank you" for that this circus is not crushed by tanks.
Sit down and enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAYPN-1Yjt0

"What will they accomplish?!"
Nothing: sit, shout and disperse to their homes. If they will not go home for too long, then come partyvans and taken away the instigators to the places not so remote.


Patience friends...patience. The Government has "all the time
in the world"....and will "gladly use it"....Who cares if they set out there
for 2 months or 2 years ? THINK ABOUT THAT.....

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