Liberals, what should NOT be mandated and regulated for our own good?

You say that government should put a gun in our face and force us into Social Security for our own good.
You say that government should put a gun in our face and force us into Health insurance for our own good.
You say that government should put a gun in our face and force us into Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, etc. for our own good.
You say that government should put a gun in our face and force us into Minimum wage, unions, OSHA, etc. for our own good.

What about giving blood? That literally saves lives, should government force us at gun point to give blood?
What about brushing our teeth and washing our hands? That will give us better quality of life and reduce health care costs, should government force us at gun point to do those things?
What about helping a little old lady cross the street? That's the good, decent, patriotic thing do do, right? Should government put a gun in our face and force us to help granny cross the street?

The point is that there are lots of things we should do for own own benefit and the benefit of others (plan for our retirement, give to charity, donate blood, help granny cross the street, etc.), so where exactly is the line where government should put a gun in our face and force us to act? Seriously, if you think retirement planning is so incredibly important that it warrants our government forcing us at gun point to do it, then why not something like giving blood? On what basis do you decide which rights are ok to give up (right to control our retirement, health care, wages, etc), and which rights are ok to keep (right to not donate blood, right to dirty teeth, etc.). Is there some kind of guiding principle or do you just make it up as you go along?

Eric R2011-10-20T20:53:54Z

Favorite Answer

Liberals are dumb. Progressives are even dumber.

As long as American has more conservatives than liberals, we might just stand a chance.

M O2011-10-20T20:23:59Z

1. I think SS should be voluntary, but I am against privatization of it.
2. I think private health insurance is a joke, and Im completely against forcing people in to it.
3. I dont know what you mean by "forced into welfare". Do you mean, forced to pay for welfare? Welfare is for the common good of the people.
4. Minimum Wage and OSHA are for your own good, and you arent forced in to unions, but youve been brainwashed to believe collective bargaining isnt in your best interest (assuming you are a rank and file worker of nearly any profession)


Medicare should be an income based system. People who have the income to afford to pay for private health insurance (usually people like retired CEO's etc.) should not be automatically placed on Medicare at 65. That in and of itself would save a ton of money.

We reap what we sow, and we've been allowing the erosion of our liberties and freedoms over the past 40 years plus. Our kids are being taught the liberal agenda in school, and that teaching has gone into overdrive over the past few years.

If Obamacare gets through SCOTUS we are going to see exactly those things you mentioned to an extent. The US Comptroller, when asked in one of the court cases that is headed to SCOTUS for review, was asked directly what the Government would not be able to do if Obamacare's purchasing mandate is allowed to stand and he stated that if it stands, the US government would be able to require us to purchase specific cars, eat specific foods, etc. There would be NO limits anymore to what the US government could require from us.

Fact is, if we don't succeed in getting Obama out of office in 2012, this country is toast, if it's not already.


We should not regulate the government putting guns in your face for our own good.


the point where actual lives are lost as a VERY DIRECT result...

like health care...

the other issue is NEED vs. DAMAGE vs. BENEFIT... if NO ONE voluntarily gave blood, the gov. would probably mandate it... but people do so the need isn't critical and people AREN'T directly dying from a lack of blood...

poverty among the elderly was a HUGE drain on society in the past, much more than SS is now...

this idea is painfully obvious and I'm not surprised you're having a lot of problems...

the simple fact that you can't tell "brushing your teeth" from "having actual health care" pretty much sums up both sides of this argument...

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