Question about Sims 3?

I don't play this game much so IDK if this is how it should go, but when my sims drink coffee, they just sit there for five hours drinking the same cup, and then they get up and have a caffeine crash and sometimes make it to bed, usually not. Is that how it's supposed to go? I thought I could boost em with coffee to finish the day but... no?


Favorite Answer

coffee on sims 3 sucks.
just cheat and drag up the energy bar a little.
press SHIFT-CONTROL-C together.
then when the cheat box comes up, type in...
testingcheatsenabled true
then press enter.
then you can drag up/down the little green energy bar. or any bar (hunger, bladder, social)


accourding to my accalculations, unless the cup of coffee started at 754.27 degrees, it would be room tempeture after 5 hours.