Do you agree that Ron Paul has a good chance of beating his 2008 primary results?,_2008

Id say judging from his 2nd and 3rd place finished in 08, he has a MUCH better chance of actually winning some primaries this time around.


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Absolutely, He might even win the GOP nomination. In 2008 his policies were nice but extreme. In 2012 his policies are still extreme but NECESSARY.


Oh come on - be serious. His second place finishes in 2008 were after every other candidate had dropped out because McCain already had the nomination in the bag.
Paul is the same extremist fringe candidate he was in 2012 and his results will be about the same too.


Yes, that reminds me I must register Republican well in advance, even though I am a Democrat so I can vote Paul in the Primaries.

Mister Gutsy2011-10-27T23:27:58Z

Yes. But the percentage of vote and number of delegates he gets will still be closer to the amount I get than to the winner.

John W2011-10-27T23:33:07Z

Once Dr Ron Paul said Iran is not a threat he limited his support to about 5 percent

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