Do men generally prefer sleeping with women who have had few...?

sexual partners in the past?

Or do they generally want a woman who is more experienced?

Numbers would be helpful in your answer! :)


Edit: I'm not asking for YOUR sexual numbers. I'm asking how many is considered "less experienced" and how many makes a woman "more experienced"


Favorite Answer

I prefer less experience.

Women have a tendency to over analyze and over compare. The less men I'm compared to the better. Also.. the more sexual experience a woman has the more likely someone before me was better in bed or had a bigger package.

That's why I just don't ask.


To me, I would prefer a woman with fewer sex partners. A modest 2 or 3 is acceptable as a "few." I wouldn't say that makes her less experienced but she isn't TOO experienced either. She's been with enough guys to know a good bit of what shes doing but not with a herd of men in thier past.

It's basically like asking a woman who she would prefer. Sme guys might like a woman who has "been around" but to me I kind that unappealing since I haven't had many sexual partners myself and I dont wanna be with a woman who been around too much. I prefer women with moderate experience over a woman with "too much experience" anyday because too will make me worry about trusting her to be loyal as well as my health. Wear condoms!!

less experienced: 0-1 partners.
moderate experience: 2-4 partners
experienced: 5-10
whore: 20 and above


I don't really equate experience with the number of partners. If a woman has already had just a few partners, any more than that really isn't going to necessarily add to her skills as a lover if she was passionate. Is a woman who has had 50 partners really any better in bed than a woman who had 5? And if many of those 50 were just one-nighters, then she really didn't allow much time to gain any experience with each man.


There are clear advantages and disadvantages to both:
Let's take the risk of STD's out of the equation for simplicity:

IMO, the best lovin' involves taking turns at giving and receiving, dominating and submitting.

A partner who has had fewer lovers is probably more likely to be a good recipient of my pleasures, but not as likely to take charge and ride the ride for all it's worth. After a few times, however, she will start to and there is a certain gratification that goes along with "breaking in" a new partner of this type, pardon the expression.

The more experienced one is more likely to rock my planet, over and over again, but eventually even the hottest fires begin to fizzle out.

I would say, I'd prefer a more experienced partner for a short-term fling, but a less experienced one for the long haul.


Experienced women can be more fun, but it's not like inexperienced women can't be taught new things in the bedroom.

If she has had a lot of sexual partners I'm fine with it as long as she doesn't talk about it with me in detail.

Edit: I think 7 is where I say she's "more experienced".

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